Lately I have been feeling down in the dumps. I don't really know why, but I just have felt sad all of the time. I am not one who likes to wallow in pity, and so this has really been getting to me. As I was doing laundry I thought to myself that I should start thinking about things that I am thankful for to help me feel better. . . . but I thought better of that. . . . I just didn't want to do it.
And then it hit me. . .
A light saber slashed across my shins followed by the bluest eyes and the biggest grin I have ever seen and I knew I was in heaven.
Time is so fleeting and since I am now done having children, it has become very apparent that I won't have moments like these for much longer. So, I sat down, ate some banana bread and watched the action unfold.
There it was. . . two Jedi knights. . . . one named Buzz Lightyear and the other, Darth Vader. . . . battling it out with a light saber and a spatula for the ruling of "Infinity and Beyond".
There was action!
There were sound effects!
There were tongs involved at one point!
And in the end 5 or 6 different super heroes were quoted as the battle raged in my family room.
Who won?
Does it matter?
The prize?
A kiss from mommy who now sat contented with life and who wished that she could capture moments like this one to infinity and beyond.
classic lemon curd tart
2 weeks ago
I love this entry. Moms live in such a strange world where we constantly feel conflicting emotions. I find that on the one hand I'm always looking forward to the next "phase" and occasionally pining away for an independent life I no longer have. But every time I start feeling that way Elizabeth will do something as simple as giggle and I'm thrown back in the happiest world I know. These little ones really are a joy, aren't they? These moments are so fleeting and I just want to make sure I never take them for granted. Now I have to go play...
I loved this too.
I know that one day I will miss so badly what I have right now.
LIKE LIKE LIKE :) I think blogger needs a like button ;) Those boys are just too dang cute!
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