I think that I have mentioned over the summer that this year I have been struggling with where I am in life, right now. I seem to be unhappy with myself and that has been a huge struggle for me over the last year or so. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and I love my life, but I am just not happy. . . or at least I wasn't for a long time. I have tried to get advice from many different people as to what I should do to help me feel better about myself. I have gotten some great advice from so many people and I appreciate all of it. The NUMBER 1 piece of advice that I have gotten is "You are so busy that you need to take a little 'ME' time to relax and regroup."
I think this is good advice. I think that for the most part, everyone needs to take a little "me" time and relax and regroup. The problem is that in my quest to always have a little "me" time I have noticed that I still haven't achieved my goal of happiness that I desire.
And then it hit me. . .
Maybe this way of thinking is wrong.
Maybe the answer ISN'T that I need MORE "me" time. . . . maybe I need LESS "me" time.
Let me explain.
You see, this past weekend was my Grandma Lee's 80th birthday party. I was busy. . . . okay, beyond busy. I spent days scanning, editing, organizing, and burning pictures onto disks for my family and then creating a slide show of my Grandma Lee's life. It was a lot of hard work. . . but I was happy to do it.
As part of the evening's events, all of the grandchildren were to write down their favorite memory of Grandma Lee. There was one story, in particular that struck a chord in me. One of my cousins shared with us that while having a conversation with my Grandma Lee one day that she said to them, "I never had a mid-life crisis because I was too busy." She was! She was constantly busy doing things for other people.
That hit me.
(Picture a heavenly choir singing Handel's Hallelujah Chorus in your mind now)
If I want to be truly happy, I need to stop worrying about trying to make myself happy, I need to focus on making other people happy and I will seek the joy and peace that I desire.
That's it!
The lightbulb has turned on and I get it now!
I finally understand!
In a world where everything is about "me" and "my instant gratification" I was looking in the wrong place for happiness. I was becoming so absorbed in myself that I was getting consumed about how I should be feeling when in reality the answer was to serve other people instead of myself.
So, I tried it out. . . and guess what . . . it works!!!
I have been trying it out on my family first and the results are undeniable! It turns out that I am happiest when I am doing something for them. When I actually stop what I am doing and actually listen to what they are saying or asking me to do.
Otto and I went and delivered bags for donations for the food bank that we will be picking up on Saturday together on Wednesday evening after the kids were in bed, and I realized as we were walking home, hand in hand, that I had finally found what I was looking for. I have found the peace and the joy that I have been seeking. . . . and while my family and friends' advice was good, and I do believe that we should take time out for ourselves, that maybe while we are doing that we should maybe invite someone who we know is having a hard time to come along with us. . . . or maybe we should spend that quiet minute writing a note to someone we love . . . . or making meals for someone who is sick. . . . and so on. Maybe those minutes that I have to myself can be best used to help others and then I will find the happiness and the joy that I have been seeking. . . . maybe I was wrong in my thinking before. . . maybe it isn't all about "ME".
classic lemon curd tart
2 weeks ago
I think that you found an interesting perspective. I know what it is like to struggle with your emotions and being frustrated about how you feel is VERY draining. One trick I use (which I am sure you use too!) is music. If you need to distract yourself from negative feelings, thoughts, etc, play some beautiful music and play it until it washes away yucky feelings. And if you are feeling really REALLY yucky, accompany that music with a bit of scripture reading. I feel like it purges my spirit of all the above- it really works!
This is how I feel about the book eat, pray, love. I'm having a hard time making it through just because the idea of a year off just for yourself for travel and "self-discovery" doesn't sound therapeutic to me. Too much time thinking about yourself can't be good for anyone.
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