When I had my youngest child Lee, I was so excited because he was so small and sweet and mellow. Fast-forward almost two years later and he is still so sweet and mellow, but he is HUGE and his voice sounds like that of a 14 year old boy. What happened to my baby??? Why did we skip the child phase with him and go straight into puberty??? He's not even 2 years old yet and him and his 4 year old brother can almost wear the same sized clothing!
One of the most hilarious things about Lee is that even though his voice is low, he still talks like a baby, so when he says just about anything you can't help but laugh because it sounds so hilarious!!!
Here are some Leeisms:
1 - When you drop something, you have to say "Ah Man!" There are NO exceptions!
2 - If the phone rings you must drop everything right that second and sprint over to the phone as though your life depended on it. . . . otherwise you will be warned that the phone is ringing and that you are taking too long to answer it.
3 - Age doesn't matter as much as size does. . . . poor Dustin!
4 - If there is a button, it MUST be pushed!
5 - Everything has a sound effect!
6 - Changing diapers is not a fun time. . . unless sound effects are involved.
7 - If the clean-up song is sung, a room must be cleaned. If it is not being sung, you cannot clean. . . . unless there are sound effects!
8 - Dressing up is not only for girls!
9 - If you get asked to say "Excuse me" you must follow it up with a burp! There are no exceptions! Burps are funny and if you don't have one coming up, fake it!
10 - Why would anyone want to only eat 3 meals a day when the cereal boxes are kept on the bottom shelf? Just grab a box, take it with you wherever you go and VOILA you have a snack with you at all times. . . . and snacks taste better with sound effects!
classic lemon curd tart
2 weeks ago
I love my little man-grandbaby!
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