Thursday, March 18, 2010

A LOT of laughs and a LITTLE less hair!

A couple of funny incidents have happened around here lately that I think I would be a bad person if I didn't record them somewhere!  For any of you who know my 4 year old son, Dustin, you will understand this first one completely!
DUSTIN:  (climbing into the van) Mom, why is there a rock in the van?
MEGAN: (wondering out of all of the things that are on the floor in the van how Dustin could have possibly noticed a rock) To make little boys ask questions.
DUSTIN:  (Stares at Megan)
MEGAN:  Did it work?
DUSTIN: (A light turns on in his little genious head) YES!!!  I DID ask questions!!!  (Turning to Caroline) Caroline, let's go put this rock out and then little boys will come up to us and ask questions!!!
MEGAN:  (Can't even pull out of the driveway because she is lauging so hard!)

Classic Dustin!

The second event wasn't so funny for me, but I back onto a street and so when I BBQ people can definitely see me.  Some of my friends even honk as they drive by!  Tuesday was a beautiful day, and the forecast for the rest of the week wasn't supposed to be as nice.  I have been really sick for about a week and so I thought that it might be a nice treat if we broke out the BBQ and had homemade (from scratch) hamburgers for dinner.  Otto was at cello lessons with Abby, so it was all up to me.  I usually do the BBQing anyways, so it was nothing new.  I turned on the propane and thought it was a bit weird that I could actually hear it.  I flicked the lighter and BOOM!  A fireball launched at my face.  Caroline couldn't stop laughing at me because of the look on my face.  I immediately thought "Oh no!  My hair!!" and ran inside.  Well, for those of you who don't know, when you get a fireball thrown at your face, your hair instantly shrivels up and it looks like you have a bag of sawdust thrown on your head.  Yep!  I know that from experience now!  I have a spot in the front and center of my head where it now looks as though I took clippers and buzzed part of my hair off.  I am currently researching the latest hair trends to see if there is a trendy way for me to cover up that spot seeing as I just spent a lot of money getting my hair cut and dyed.
So yes, that was funny!  And yes, we will be getting a new BBQ this spring seeing as this one is now fried just like my hair!


Being Ausmus said...

#1. You can't write a post like that without adding a picture:)!!!
#2. They have those really cute headbands with flowers on them you could sport...they look really cute on babies anyway:)!!!! I'm sure you could pull it off!!!

Jamie said...

Ha ha - funny story. Not as funny BBQ story, but at least you are OK!!