3 years ago I wasn't feeling well and decided to go into the hospital. 3 years ago, my doctor made a decision that has completely and forever impacted my life. 3 years ago, I almost lost one of the most important people in my life. 3 years ago, I had a miracle and my life has been better ever since.
Lee was born 3 years ago!
It was the scariest moment of my life, and finding out from the doctor that he almost died has always stayed with me. I truly believe that Lee has a guardian angel and that he is destined for something great.
However. . . .
Until that happens, he is my baby! I know that to look at him you wouldn't think of him as a baby, but he is. Lee is the only one of my children who has always loved to cuddle up with me. He is the only one who asks for a nap with me so that we can lay down, sing songs (his favorite being "When Somebody Loves You" from Toy Story of course) and read books. Lee is very smart and lives in his own imaginary world. Sometimes when he is off in La La Land, I will sit and just marvel on how vivid and real his little imagination is to him. He creates the most interesting stories and interactions in his head and is perfectly happy to just sit down with a couple of toys and play.
My Lee is a gentle soul. He will fight when provoked, but he is a sharer. I have never had a child who actually shares this well at this age. Lee loves his siblings, but especially Abby and watching the way the two of them interact reminds me of how I used to be with my youngest sister.
So, as I look at this incredibly HUGE toddler and watch him grow up, I can't help but think to myself. . . . "You're still my baby".
potato leek soup
6 days ago
No pictures?
I'm glad Lee's here too!!!!
Happy Birthday LEE
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