This past weekend was a fun, but busy one. I need to write it down day by day, so bear with me. . . this is where the journal part comes into play.
Thursday - Ummm. . . freak snowstorm!!! I just HAPPENED to have an appointment for Lee to get circumsized at 7:45 am. It usually would have taken me about 1/2 an hour to get to this appointment, but because of this FREAKING Blizzard, it took me 2 1/2 hours to get there. Needless to say, I was quite a bit late, very frustrated, crying and dealing with 5 angry kids. Oh, and the doctor didn't want me to feed Lee after 5:30 am, so by the time Lee saw the doctor at 9:30 am, he was STARVING!!!!!
This weekend was also my mom's big Camp Croppin' weekend at the Carriage House Inn. I was the coordinator for it, and because of the snow we were worried that some of our instructor's flights would get cancelled. We were very stressed all day, but luckily all of our instructors made it to Calgary and everything worked out great!
Our set up for Camp Croppin' went quite smoothly, except that Lee was cranky. . . . because of his little "snip snip" operation that had happened that morning.
Friday - We started off the morning with my Mom's retailers convention called Education Eh? . I had helped coordinate quite a bit of this, but my mom let me off the hook for running it. She had lots of other help and for the most part, it went great! (Well, that is my opinion anyways.)
That evening was the beginning of Camp Croppin'. I love Camp Croppin' because everyone who attends is really excited to be there. I love that feeling of excitement and it makes all of the planning and organizing worth it. It is the same feeling I get when I cater a wedding. I love doing these happy events because no matter what is going wrong behind the scenes, or how stressed you get, as long as you are surrounded by happy people who are enjoying themselves, it rubs off on you and you can't help but be happy too!
Saturday - This day didn't run as smoothly as Friday, but again, the people were still happy and so we were still happy. Did I mention that I had Lee with me during the entire convention??? He was AMAZING! I couldn't have asked for a more happy, calm, peaceful baby. He rarely cried, and he was content throughout the entire convention. There were quite a few women who loved holding him, and he seemed to enjoy it also. I think that he became the unofficial mascot of the convention. People were amazed that I was running a scrapbooking convention only 5 weeks after Lee was born, and I will admit, I was nervous about it myself. However, because he was so good, I didn't even feel an extra burden having him there. I am so grateful that I was blessed to have such a cooperative baby.
Sunday - Was there a Sunday??? I can't remember, I was so tired I basically walked around in a daze!!!
I had tons of fun this weekend, and I worked hard. I am glad that it is over, but I can't wait until next year. Now it is onto next weekend when Abby is getting baptized and Lee is getting blessed. And it is Abby's birthday and her birthday parties. This time of year is a busy time of year in our household for birthdays, but I do love to celebrate my kids' birthdays with them because it reminds me of when they were born and all of the joy that they have brought into my life.
Speaking of newborns, I am a bit concerned about Lee right now. He has been a wonderful baby, but he has had a bit of a rough start to life. I have noticed that he is having problems with his eyesight, and that concerns me. I have a doctor's appointment for next week, and I hope that everything is going to be okay. I hope that this doesn't turn out to be anything serious!
Whew! I did it!! I managed to write everything down! Thanks for taking the time to read it. . . it turned into quite the novel!!
classic lemon curd tart
2 weeks ago
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