I was talking to a friend yesterday and we were talking about Anne's baptism. I told this friend (who has a son who will be baptized in December) how incredible it is when your child gets baptized and how much it affects you. He agreed and we started talking about how weird it is when your child goes through something that you know that they will remember for the rest of their lives.
In our church, we baptize our children when they reach the age of 8 because we believe that at that age they are old enough to be accountable for their own choices. So, Anne got baptized on Saturday and it was great. She got baptized with a friend of hers that was born a day before her. In fact, we saw each other in the hospital when our girls were born. Both of our girls are these sweet little blond haired, blue eyed girls and they are actually quite good friends. When I found out that their daughter would be getting baptized with Anne, I was quite happy with that because I knew that everything would run smoothly.
It was beautiful. The talks were great, Anne's cousins were there, all of my family was there and most of Otto's family was there. We even had some good friends show up and both Anne, her friend and all of their sisters sang a beautiful song called "Baptism" and I really felt the Spirit there.
Afterwards there was a family dinner at my parent's house and we had a BBQ, a bouncy house, a trampoline yummy cupcakes and lots of family there. I really appreciated my sister and her husband driving down from Edmonton to be there and my brother, his wife and their brand new baby for coming. I always feel so honored that my siblings make such a big effort to always be at the big milestones for my kids. They have no idea how much that means to me.
So after family, parties, presents, food and general good times, its neat to think that Anne will remember most of what happened on Saturday. I am so proud of her for making the decision to get baptized. One thing I love about Anne is that she never does anything halfway. She always puts everything into whatever she does. I know that she is going to grow up to be an amazing woman and I still can't believe that she is old enough to be baptized. The time is really flying by, but I sure am enjoying having her in our family. I know that Saturday will be a day that Anne will remember for the rest of her life.
classic lemon curd tart
2 weeks ago
That's so awesome. Congrats to you and Anne. What a big step. I hope she will always remember it too!
YAY!! I've finally entered the blogging world!! ;)
We were so excited to be at the baptism! We love your family and are happy we live close enough that we can drive down for such special occasions!
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