Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Coloring Eggs

I must be honest here. Decorating eggs is probably one of my least favorite traditions. It drives me crazy to have to hard boil eggs, dip them in colors, and decorate them to have them all end up back in the fridge. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE Easter!! I love that we have a special day set aside that we call Bunny Day where the Easter Bunny comes and hides chocolate eggs. I love that it is on a different day than Easter because that leaves Easter to be more of a spiritual holiday. I am really excited this year because I found a recipe for some Easter meringues that use the verses in the Bible that tell the meaning of easter to make the recipe. In my opinion Easter doesn't get the attention that it deserves. It seems as though the word gets so excited about Christmas. I know I do!! Christmas is a magical time where we celebrate the birth of the Savior. It is a time of hope, peace and love. But would we still celebrate the birth of the Savior if it hadn't been for the Atonement? I mean, if Christ hadn't suffered for our sins and overcome death, he would have been just another man.

I hope that as my children grow up that Easter will mean more to them than just decorating eggs and eating chocolate. I hope that they will truly enjoy Easter and celebrate it for the wonderful holiday that it is.


The Mom said...

Awww - love the pics Megs! You have a beautiful family :) Egg coloring is kind of a mess, and my kids never eat those hard boiled eggs, but there is just something about coloring them :) You're very on the ball to have already done that! I need to get out and buy some - too bad I don't have time cause I'm working on making my children perfectly behaved LOLOL

Otto is a great hubby and you're a great mom - don't ever doubt that :) The kids are sooo looking forward to coming up and hanging with your kids!

Love ya!!!

Beth said...

Great pictures!!! I am debating whether to color eggs this year! My girls are so little and I'm not sure I want to deal with the mess (I know horrible that sounds)! They are only 2 and 1, so maybe next year? Does this make me a bad mom?????

I hope you and yours have a truly Blessed Easter!