I believe that everyone needs a blue shirt. Not just any blue shirt, but one like mine. Let me tell you about my blue shirt. It is just a long sleeved T-Shirt. It is light blue and it has a picture of a snowflake on the chest. It probably didn't cost more than $10 and it was the best gift I have ever received. "Why?" you ask? Well, because it was given to me by my kids and hubby. This shirt is probably not something that I would have picked out myself because it is not really my color. It doesn't really match anything that I own, but nothing that I own gives me more smiles than this crazy shirt (okay, maybe the green one that they also got me gets the same amount of smiles).
Over the years I have gotten TONS of handprint gifts, homemade gifts, homemade pottery, and my basement is FULL of artwork by my little artists. This shirt still tops them all! Let me tell you why, because I was thinking about it as I giggled to myself as I was hanging this shirt to dry (its laundry day over here). You see, whenever I wear this shirt I am constantly told by my girls that I am wearing the shirt that they got me. They go around all day making comments about how good the shirt looks and how they were awesome to get it for me. They high five each other when they think I am not looking and they constantly tell Otto that they had gotten me the perfect gift.
I spend the whole day smiling at the spectacle that they make about this shirt. It is hilarious! I love it! I will even wear this shirt out of the house because when they see me outside with it on they go crazy with excitement. They have even gotten Dustin into this and he HATES clothes!
So, your shirt may be green, purple, yellow or orange. It may not even be a shirt at all, but it could be a plant, or a ring or whatever else. I simply hope that everyone is able to receive a "blue shirt" like the one that I have so that you can be constantly reminded that you have people who love you.
Blue Shirts All Around!!!
classic lemon curd tart
2 weeks ago
Very very sweet. I love the way you write. After all that going on about the shirt, you better post a picture of it, hanging on the line would be cute. But with you in it even better. Have a great day!
Dana Zia
that's so cute.
That's awesome. Your kids sounds like a hoot - just like you...
You need to post a picture of this shirt. I love when kids do that. Tanner doesn't yet but he know what people got him from 2 birthday's ago.
Haha! I love this story!! I crack up thinking of all the secret high fives and congratulations to themselves for getting such a great gift!!
This just made me extra excited to have this baby!
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