So, I took Lee to the hospital on Saturday night and I waited until 2 am to even see a doctor. The doctor put some special medication on Lee's burn and wrapped his hand up so that it wouldn't get infected. The entire upper half of Lee's left hand is completely covered in 2nd degree burns and they also go down his thumb and pinkie. Luckily his palm isn't very burned, so that is good. However, we do have to go back to the hospital to see a physio therapist on Monday because they are worried that when the burns heal that the scars may cover his knuckles and limit the amount of movement in his left hand.
So, for now his hand is completely bandaged up and it looks like a white baseball bat. He can't use his left hand at all because of that and it is really frustrating for Lee because he is a lefty! He is a tough kid though and is happy as pie most of the time.
So, until tomorrow, we won't know anything. We can just sit here and keep our fingers crossed!
classic lemon curd tart
2 weeks ago
Oh man, I'm so sorry. That's so frustrating and sad and everything else horrible.... Good luck with it all. I'm glad he's being a tough boy for you... Good luck with it all.
Oh no - poor Lee :( Praying that it isn't too serious and that with some movement you can keep the skin loose! Poor little guy :(
Awww I can't imagine Lee crying. I'm sure it shocked you, but remember wee ones always bounce back quickly...I'll keep him in my prayer. You're a great mom Megan! *HUGS*
Poor little guy and poor mommy. That can be so stressful. I hope it all heals well!
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