Okay. . . now this is going to be an adventure!! I have just barely started my blog, and my Aunt Christie goes ahead and tags me. . . . actually it sounds kinda fun, so here goes!!!
The rules - answer the questions and tag 5 friends :) Happy Halloween!!!
What was your favorite Halloween costume as a child?
I have to say that my absolutely most favorite costume in the whole wide world was my Minnie Mouse costume!!! This thing was AMAZING!!! My extremely talented grandmother sewed it for me, but you have to see this head!! It was like 2 feet taller than my actual head and stuffed. . . complete with bow and all!! It also had the token red and white polka dot dress with white gloves and these slip on covers for my shoes to make them look exactly like Minnie's. I have no idea how long it took my grandma to make that costume, but I LOVED IT!!!!! No one has EVER had as costume as cool as that one was!!
What was your least favorite Halloween costume as a child?
One year my mom made me be a clown because she found the costume for cheap at Walmart. . . it even had a hoop in the middle, so I couldn't sit down on anything because my hoop would hit me in the face! Oh yes, and I also had the matching rainbow wig!
What was your favorite Halloween candy as a kid? Is it still your favorite?
Okay, so I think that I must be the weirdest kid around, but candy really has never been my thing. I used to collect my Halloween treats and put them in a box and then use them throughout the year to bribe my younger siblings into doing things for me. . . come to think of it, I do still do that to this day, except that I buy the candy now!
How old were you when you stopped trick-or-treating? Do you miss it?
I was 12 when I went for the last time. . . I would have been allowed to go for one more year, but the New Kids on the Block were playing a concert on Halloween and my mom let me choose whether to go watch the concert or go trick or treating for the last time. After that year, my job was to hand out candy, and my mom would just buy me a whole bag of twix bars (which I then saved and used as bribes as stated above!!). I have never really missed it. I actually enjoy staying in my nice, warm house and giving out the candies so that I can see all of the cute costumes on all of the neighborhood kids.
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
I saw, My Boyfriend's Back when I was like 9. I wasn't allowed to watch scary movies because I have always had a vivid imagination, but I went to my friend's house and we watched it without my parents knowing. . . I was afraid to leave the house after that.
And - have you ever dressed up in "matching" halloween costumes with your date? What were they????
2 years ago for a ward party we had an adult party and we met at someone's house. We had to be dressed in costumes, and Otto wasn't too keen on that. So we went as a Camper and S'more. . . . Otto was the camper, of course, and I got to be the S'more (see, even my costumes are food related). It was pretty fun, and Otto liked that he didn't really have to dress up, although he wanted to go as a football player and a cheerleader (I didn't think a cheerleader outfit would be that flattering on him, since I obviously wasn't going to wear it!!)
Okay, now since I am new to this whole thing, and I have no other blogger friends except for my dear aunt, I am going to tag the following people to participate in facebook!! Jenna, Amanda, Kristin, Jamie and Michelle. . . tag. . . you're it!!!!
classic lemon curd tart
2 weeks ago
Psst...I totally have a blog. You can find it by clicking on my name. I'll answer this survey there!
Hi Megan! I found you. I love that you have started a blog. I'll be reading...
Yay - thanks for joining in :)
You'll have to post a picture of Minnie Mouse - I don't remember that costume :) Grandma makes such awesome costumes - soooo - why was I Little Red Riding Hood year after year - she must not love me as much as you LOLOL
Hey I didn't know you had a blog! Fun times - do you know more than one Jamie? :)
Oh and I have a blog too - the most cool blog you will ever find I'm sure! www.popowich.mapledesign.ca
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