Yesterday was Halloween. . . . I love holidays, but they always seem to be so much work also. Yesterday the kids had so much fun, and that seems to be what this is all about. I LOVE watching my kids get excited about holidays and I will miss that when they get older!
For Halloween the girls were all princesses and Dustin was a knight in shining armor. It was adorable! The girls all had school parties and I made "Monster Brain Dip" for them to eat there. They all got candy from their teachers, friends and bus driver! Their candy bags were almost full by the time they got home and we hadn't even started going trick or treat yet.
Dustin's highlight of the day was when the two of us went and bought a Halloween cake. It was a chocolate cake and it had a picture of a pumpkin on it. He wouldn't stop touching it and calling it pumpkin cake, so by the time it got home. . . . well it didn't quite look the same. . . . but the kids didn't care!!
This year, instead of candy, we decided to hand out mini playdough. It worked great!! Otto took the girls out with the neighbor kids and Dustin and I stayed home and played playdough. Caroline tired out after about 8 houses, so she came and joined us. It was really fun! We didn't have very many kids come to our house for Halloween, so we still have tons of playdough left. . . better than candy if you ask me!!
After trick or treating was done, we went to my parents' house. It is something that we do every year and my mom seems to really like it. My brother Jason, his wife Suzanne and their puppy Max were there. They had even made a costume for Max and it was adorable!!! It was a little dragon costume!! Max hated it, but we all couldn't get over how cute it was! The kids had alot of fun at my parents house and we didn't end up leaving until after 9:30. So. . . I kept them home from school today because I figure that it will be easier for me to deal with 4 sleep-deprived, sugar high children than it will be for their teachers to have to deal with them. I guess that that is also one of the parts of having a holiday. . . the day after!!
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
2 weeks ago
Wow, what a nice mom you are! Whenever I wanted to stay home from school, my mom would always say, "Well, just go and if you throw up, you can come home." Haha. Good times.
Sounds like fun!!!
About putting pictures in your side bar :) You have to resize your pics smaller, put them on an online photo gallery - we use Photobucket - generate the html tags for them there, then go in to "edit your template" and just add in the page elements. It's actually a lot easier now with the new blogger :)
Let me know if that doesn't work for you :)
Of course I took the easy way out and just paid a girl to re-do my blog last spring :)
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