Okay, to get the full effect of this post you will need to read my friend's post about plastic surgery on her blog. . . science geek. It's a good one, and on it I shared a little secret that I hadn't really told anyone. The secret is that when Otto and I got married we agreed that when we had children, we would have them one right after another and then I would be allowed to get a tummy tuck.
Yes, that is right. I have no problems with getting a tummy tuck and I have been called vain for it. However I do not think that this is as bad is it is being portrayed. You see, many people put off having kids until they have careers, or a house, or get to travel (now many people just can't have kids, and I am not grouping them into this category at all) and yet, I chose not to put off having children because I knew how important it was to Otto and I to have our family while we were young. Basically I have spent the last 10 years being pregnant.
I do have a pretty good self esteem. However it does get embarrassing when I have to put on a swimming suit because I know that my body does not look the way I think it should look. Please note that I did not say the way that Hollywood thinks it should look, but I have alot of extra skin because of all of the babies that I have had. Now, I also have quite a bit of weight left over because when I got pregnant with Lee I still had all of the weight that I had after losing Robin. So I basically started out this last pregnancy with 6 months of pregnancy weight. This weight is something that I am working on getting rid of, and I am doing it the hard way with good old diet and exercise.
However, please know that no matter how much weight I lose I will always have this extra skin around my mid section. I will not be able to get rid of it with simple creams, with diet, with exercise, with anything because it has been stretched for basically 10 years. I did not choose to wait in between pregnancies until my body got back to normal because I didn't see the point.
You may still think that my desire for a tummy tuck is vain, but I mean aren't we all a bit vain in some ways? Do women not wear make-up to look better, bras to keep our girls perky, clothes that slim our figure, sunscreen and hats to help prevent wrinkles, face cream to prevent wrinkles, work out to stay slim, sacrifice our favorite foods to lose a few pounds? If you are someone who does any one of these things how can you call me vain? How can you tell me that you are better than me because you don't have a desire for a tummy tuck and I do? I don't call myself more righteous because I have more children.
I think that it is unfair and very judgemental for someone to point to someone and say that they are vain because they want a certain thing. Just like it would be very judgemental for me to point to someone and say they are lazy because they are fat. When it comes down to it, we don't know what other people's circumstances are and we haven't walked a mile in their shoes. So what makes us an expert on other people's choices?
classic lemon curd tart
2 weeks ago
Hi Megan,
I just wanted to say sorry if I offended you with my comments. I wasn't trying to call you vain. I was just stating MY feelings and opinions on the subject. Sorry if it came across as calling you vain. I think to each is their own and if you chose to have a tummy tuck or anything else, then that's up to you. I just have a different opinion than other people do. Anyways, sorry again. It wasn't meant to point the finger at you.
I really enjoy your blog and enjoy learning from reading what you have been through. Take care, and I'm so sorry if you took my comment the wrong way.
Megan you raised some interesting points there. We are all vain in some way or another. I mean one of my friends had there nose reconstructed through plastic surgery after it was broken. Whats the difference? You just want to help restore your body. After bringing so many angels into the world I think its a noble desire! I would say your brave (since I pass out from seeing blood) rather than vain! I hope people aren't judging you for your personal choice because its not there place to do so. And if they know you and your testimony, you wouldn't do it if you felt it was wrong.
AMEN sistah! Well said. As I mentioned on my blog, after having only TWO babies, I have worked off all the fat and I still have that extra skin that only surgery can get rid of. I don't have tons (only TWO babies) and it's easily hidden (even in said bathing suit - unless I bend over, gasp!) but I totally understand the desire to GET RID OF IT!! I may still have one more baby and then I might seriously consider restoring my body to it's former tight glory, if I'm not too much of a scardey cat!!
Well said - I totally agree. I'm excited to see what a hottie you will be after babies! :) I want a boob job so I don't have saggy baggy boobs anymore.
Hmmm - interesting :) I don't think you're vain Megs - but living in the plastic surgery capital of America (well - besides California LOL) I'd have to say I see your point, and defintely feel free to do what you wish - it's your body afterall - but my point of view does differ a bit.
My neighborhood is a bit - well - let's say - enhanced :) A tuck here, a lift here, a life-time at the gym here ;) A death there - from complications from surgery. More nips and tucks, cause once you fix something, something else looks bad, then a few more nips and tucks. A girl I know actually looks pregnant now because she had a tummy tuck, and her stomach is flat, but the weight just goes other places, and this is above her tuck. I don't think it's vanity - trust me - I know what it's like to have extra skin and absolutely noooo stomach muscle - I've had 6 c-sections. But, I've also read and seen too much to be willing to put myself at risk, and it IS major surgery - wayyyy worse than a c-section - I've seen it, of complications or death (sister of a friend died from having a cosmetic procedure - in a hospital - it wasn't botched, it just happens sometimes). I have 6 kids that need me, and I, personally, cannot justify having a flat stomach over their needs ;)
Plus - do you know how much those things cost??? I could pay for almost 2 semesters at BYU :)
I know you aren't vain, and you know I love you! Just make sure you check out the facilities and get a good doctor - I don't want anything bad to happen to you!!
Love ya!
Hey, knock yourself out babe. You have my full support (though, like Christie, I definitely think you should research doctors' credentials and reputation and all that before proceeding).
I mentioned this on sciencegeek's blog, but extra weight around the middle can be a health concern in it's own right. It's not all about vanity. :)
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