How do you make people more comfortable with something that is new? How do you educate someone on something that you know that they will love and that will help them out but they are too scared to try? How do you say to people yes you are when they tell you that they aren't interested??? How do you get someone interested in digital and fusion scrapbooking????
Come on ladies!!! I need your help!!! I know that some of you are into scrapbooking (or want to be). How can I get you to try something like digital scrapbooking which is 1 - cheaper 2 - faster 3 - creates REALLY cute books 4 - still allows you to use the scrapbooking supplies that you own to create fusion pages and 5 - EASY!!!!! I need some ideas!!!! Anything will help!!!
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
Well I would do it if you offered a class a little closer to me!
I know what you mean! As for scrapbooking - I would love to try that out, but I don't really have time to learn something new right now. Plus what do I do with all my old scrapbooking stuff!?
You use it too!! Digital scrapbooking isn't meant to replace traditional scrapbooking, but to make it easier, faster and you can still use your traditional scrapbooking supplies on your digital pages! I was able to do a 10 page 8x8 album that used digital and traditional elements in one evening. . . now tell me that doesn't sound like fun. . . and I actually got something done!!!
My sister asks me this all the time (she's a layout coordinator for and it blows her mind that I have no interest in digital scrapbooking! Well, my thing is this--for me, I already spend a lot of my day in front of the computer, and scrapbooking is an escape for me--so I don't want to do it in front of a computer screen!
But now that I'm learning a little bit about it, I'm totally torn because you can do such cool stuff with digital scrapbooking. And you're right, it is much cheaper than traditional.
I think most people aren't interested because it scares's intimidating!
Why don't you offer to do an enrichment class on this or something? I think a lot of people probably would be interested, but just don't know it's out there or don't know they can find someone to teach them. Use your network!
As I think about your question more, I have come up with some additional thoughts. A very broad answer to your initial questions is that you need to figure out what the common barriers are for people to be interested in this sort of thing.
I don't know that I'm really representative of your targeted market here, but let's use me as an example anyway. I'm not that interested in scrapbooking in general, and even less interested in digital scrapbooking. Here's why:
1. Lack of time
2. Lack of money
3. I think it's kind of silly to just scrapbook ALL your pictures. Generic photo albums already work just fine for me, and I can't think of a reason to change that system that would be worth the time & money.
4. Re the digital thing specifically, I think there's just something less satisfying about a scrapbook on the computer. It's kind of like reading books online vs. reading a real book. I like the tangible-ness of the book. Same would go for scrapbooking. If I were going to do one, I'd want to have something I could hold in real life.
Okay, so if you wanted to convince me to give scrapbooking a try, you would need to make it cheap, easy, and give me some ideas for making "theme" books (like a specific wedding scrapbook or baby book or something. Maybe present some gift-giving ideas.). I would be much more likely to try the digital thing if there is a way I could turn that into an actual, tangible scrapbook (like, be able to print it out or something).
For all I know, you've already addressed all of the above. But because I'm already kind of apathetic about the idea, I'd only check it out if it were presented in a very convenient way (which is why I suggested offering to host an enrichment activity - it would be a good way to attract people who are curious enough to check it out if it's presented to them, but not curious enough to SEEK it out). And if people have a good time and find it interesting, they are more likely to seek out more classes later.
Anyway, those are some thoughts...
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