I know I haven't written in awhile. I feel as though I have gotten caught up in a whirlwind of activities. It seems as though in one moment presents are flying past my head, and the sound of wrapping paper tearing is happening all around me and then the next moment there are toys everywhere and items to step on. I've been able to spend so much time with all of my family members and friends and so I feel as though there are people constantly moving all around me.
This is the kind of whirlwind I love! It is so much fun to be able to spend so much time with my friends and family, so I am actually dreading when this whirlwind stops! However, it doesn't leave much time for writing, so maybe when this fury of activity dies down I will get some time to catch up on everyone's going ons!
Until then. . . I hope that you have all had a wonderful holiday season!
potato leek soup
6 days ago
I understand that whirlwind. This is what is happening to me. I'm just trying to catch up on my own blogging and I'm checking out others blogs slowly. It's amazing what almost a month of vacation can do...
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